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Adding Header Scroll Effects

Enhance the header's behavior during scroll by implementing smooth transition effects. You can make the header fade away or slide out of view as visitors navigate down the page. You can also adjust its fill color and opacity to maintain visibility without it being a distraction.

This approach not only improves the site visitor experience but also keeps the focus on the content, ensuring your clients’ sites look polished and professional.

Example of a site built on Studio Editor, showing the header is frozen and changes to green as visitors scroll down

In this article, learn how to:

Adding and setting up a header scroll effect

Choose how you want the header to behave, depending on how noticeable it should be. You can make it freeze, for example, so it's always visible, or make it move out of the way so visitors can focus on the page's content.


The scroll effect only applies to the page you're currently working on.

To apply a scroll effect to the header:

  1. Select the header.

  2. Click the Open Inspector icon  at the top right of the editor.

A screenshot of opening the Inspector panel in the Studio Editor.

  1. Under Header settings, choose a Scroll effect and set it up:

Scroll with site

No scroll effect is applied. When visitors scroll down the page, they also scroll away from the header (i.e. the top of the page).


The header stays in place as visitors scroll down the page, so it's always visible.

You decide whether or not the header overlaps the next section while scrolling. If you set it to not overlap, you can set a top offset to create some distance between the header and the top of the page.


As visitors scroll down the page, the header starts to disappear.

  • Overlap: Decide whether or not the header overlaps the next section while scrolling. If you set it to not overlap, you can set a top offset to create some distance between the header and the top of the page.

  • Direction: Choose where you want the header to go when it disappears.
    Tip: When visitors scroll back up, the effect is reversed. For example, if you set the header to disappear to the left, it will re-enter the page from that same corner when scrolling up.

  • Distance: Decide if you want the header to disappear completely (100%) or keep a portion of the header visible.

  • Delay: Add a delay (in seconds) before the effect starts.

  • Duration: Set the overall duration (in seconds) of the effect.

  • Ease: Decide how the effect eases in and out.

Fade out

When visitors scroll down the page, the header fades out of view.

  • Overlap: Decide whether or not the header overlaps the next section while scrolling. If you set it to not overlap, you can set a top offset to create some distance between the header and the top of the page.

  • Delay: Add a delay (in seconds) before the effect starts.

  • Duration: Set the overall duration (in seconds) of the effect.

A header and the Inspector panel in the Studio Editor, adding the 'Disappear' scroll effect

Changing the header background color on scroll

Alongside the scroll effect you choose for the header, you can make it change colors when visitors scroll down. This brings even more attention to the header, ensuring visitors never miss it.


This setting applies to every page where the header appears.

To change the header background color on scroll:

  1. Select the header.

  2. Click the Open Inspector icon  at the top right of the editor.

A screenshot of opening the Inspector panel in the Studio Editor.

  1. Under Design, enable the Color while scrolling toggle.

  2. Click the color box to choose a different color.

  3. (Optional) Drag the slider to change the opacity.

A header and the Inspector panel in the Studio Editor, enabling the 'color while scrolling' toggle so the header turns green

Removing a scroll effect

You can always remove a scroll effect that you previously added to the header.

To remove a scroll effect:

  1. Select the header.

  2. Click the Open Inspector icon  at the top right of the editor.

A screenshot of opening the Inspector panel in the Studio Editor.

  1. Choose what you want to disable:Scroll effect: Select the Scroll with site option from the drop-down.
    Color while scrolling: Disable the toggle to remove this effect.

A screenshot highlighting the specific settings you need in order to remove a scroll effect from the header

Working with advanced header settings

When enabling advanced settings in the Inspector, you get more granular control of the header scroll effect. This view lets you adjust the position type (i.e. pinned, sticky) and the transition (e.g. move, fade) separately, creating your own effect instead of our presets.


By default, pinned headers overlap the next section. If you don't want the header to overlap the next section but still want it fixed to the screen, you can make it sticky instead.

To enable advanced settings:

  1. Select the header.

  2. Click the Open Inspector icon  at the top right of the editor.

A screenshot of opening the Inspector panel in the Studio Editor.

  1. Click the More Actions icon  next to Size.

  2. Enable the Advanced Settings toggle.

  3. Adjust the header scroll effect under Header settings:Select a Position type (e.g. pinned, sticky).
    Add an Offset to create some distance between the header and the top of the page.
    Enable the Transition toggle to add the Move or Fade effect.
    Add a Color while scrolling (under Design).

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