Wix Blog
In the Wix Dashboard, click “Blog” > “Add Blog.”
Select a layout and customize it in the Wix Editor.
Start creating posts by clicking “Create Post.”
Deleting Wix Hotels
Renting Multiple Properties in Different Locations
Adding Languages in Wix Hotels
Setting the Minimum and Maximum Nights in Wix Hotels
Changing Your Notification Email Address in Wix Hotels
Adding Your Hotels Policies
Adding and Managing Room Types in Wix Hotels
Renting Apartments Using Wix Hotels
Accessing Your Wix Hotels Dashboard
Adding and Setting Up Wix Hotels
About Wix Hotels
Music Apps: Adding and Setting Up an iTunes button
Music Apps: Adding and Setting Up a SoundCloud Player
Music Apps: Adding and Setting Up Your Spotify Player
Music Apps: Adding and Setting Up the Bandsintown App
Wix Podcast Player: General Troubleshooting
Wix Podcast Player: Adding and Setting Up the Wix Podcast Player
Wix Audio Player: Adding and Setting Up the Wix Audio Player
Wix Music: Allowing Fans to Download Your Music
Wix Music: Adding Links to Other Music Platforms
Wix Music: Allowing Your Fans to Name Their Price When Purchasing Your Music
About the Wix Audio Player
Wix Music: Setting Up Sales Notifications
Wix Music: Promoting Your Music using a Subscribe Form
Wix Music: Setting Up Your Payment Methods
Wix Music: Changing Your Currency
Wix Music: Viewing Your Transactions
Wix Music: Selling Your Music
Wix Music: Promoting Your Music With Email Campaigns
Wix Music: Displaying a 30 Second Preview of a Music Track