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Setting up Online Programs

Online Programs: Managing Your Step Order and Visibility for Your Programs

You can select how your participants view and complete the steps based on the pace you define for your Online Program. You can also simplify the participants' experience by hiding future steps until they complete the current step.

To manage step order and visibility:

  1. Go to Online Programs in your site's dashboard.

  2. Click the More Actions icon  next to the relevant program.

  3. Select Edit Settings.

  4. Click Content.

  5. Click your program type below to learn how to update the step order and visibility:

Self-paced program

Participants can complete steps whenever they'd like without a time limit or schedule. You can set the step order and visibility that your participants see.

  1. Choose the step order for your participants to follow:Any Order: Participants can complete steps in the order they want.
    Fixed Order: Participants can complete steps in the order you set for them. Enable the Hide future steps toggle to hide the content of future steps until a current step is completed.

  2. Enable the relevant toggles to customize your video step experience:Require to watch videos: Set a required percentage participants must watch to complete the step.
    Autoplay next video step: Automatically play the next video after the current one ends. Note: These settings apply to all video steps in your program.

  3. Click Save.

Scheduled program

Participants are expected to complete specific steps by specific dates. You can choose to hide the future steps until they complete the current step.

  1. Click the Hide future steps toggle to hide the content of future steps until a current step is completed.

  2. Enable the relevant toggles to customize your video step experience:Require to watch videos: Set a required percentage participants must watch to complete the step.
    Autoplay next video step: Automatically play the next video after the current one ends. Note: These settings apply to all video steps in your program.

  3. Click Save.

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