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Payment Basics

Setting Your Location for Accepting Payments

When setting up payment methods on your site, you are prompted to choose your business location.

The location of your business determines which payment methods and providers can be used.

Only payment providers that operate in a given location are compliant with local taxation and business laws and, therefore, are able to perform payouts there.

Changing Location for Accepting Payments

  1. Go to Accept Payments in your site's dashboard.

  2. Check the location at the top right.

  3. Click the drop-down menu  and select the correct business location.

country option for accepting payments,


Make sure to choose the correct location which reflects the location of your business registration.

Changing Your Business Location

Once you have added the payment methods on your site, you can change the location by using one of the following methods:

Changing your site's general information details

  1. Go to the Business Info section of Settings in your site's dashboard.

  2. Scroll down to the Location section.

  3. Enable My business has a physical address.

  4. Enter your current business address.

Note: This will not change the current payment setup, but all the further actions on the Accept Payments tab will be performed in accordance with the location chosen.

Learn more about adding your site's business information.

Disconnecting and reconnecting a payment method

  1. Go to your Accept Payments page.

  2. Remove/disconnect all the payment methods:Click Manage Account under the relevant payment method.
    Click Disconnect Account.

  3. Begin your Accepting Payments setup again, remembering to enter your current business location.

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