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Using Zapier to Automate Connections with Third-Party Apps
Use the Zapier platform to connect to external apps such as Slack, Trello and Google Docs. If you're using several different apps to manage your business, this is a great way to streamline your processes.
When you use Zapier, all setup is done in the Zapier platform. In order to access the Zapier platform, you must first create a Zapier account.
Using the Zapier platform
To use Zapier, start by logging into the Zapier platform. The automation that you build is called a "Zap". This "Zap" is an automated connection between different apps.
To use the Zapier platform:
The Zapier automation builder will open. Use the panel on the right to set up your automation. First, use the "Event" drop-down to select the Wix app that you want to trigger your automation.
In the "App & event" section, click "Continue".
In the "Account" section, click "Continue".
Note: Before continuing, you may need to sign into your Wix account and grant Zapier permissions to connect to Wix.In the "Trigger" section, use the "Select specific trigger to use" drop-down to select your exact trigger (based on the Wix app you already selected).
Note: At this stage, you may have further selections to make to define your trigger.
In the "Trigger" section, click "Continue".
In the "Test" section, click "Test trigger" to test your trigger and select a test record to use.
Note: When you test your trigger, "dummy data" is used. This is not real data from your site, even though the Zapier platform mentions collecting data and using it to test the trigger.
Click "Continue with selected record".
In the pop-up that opens, select your action app.
Use the panel on the right to continue setting up your automation. Select your action event.
In the "Account" section, click "Continue".
Note: Before continuing, you may need to sign into an external account (e.g. Google account for a Google product) and grant Zapier permissions to connect to this account.
Make any further selections required to define your action (e.g. for Google Sheets action, select drive, spreadsheet, worksheet, data to add, etc.).
Click "Continue".
Click "Test step" to test this step.
Check that the test has been successful (e.g. row successfully added to Google Sheet).
Click "Publish".
You will be able to create a Zapier automation for a Wix app that hasn't been added to your site, but your automation won't function. If the app has been added to your site but there is no data triggering your automation, nothing will happen.
For example, you have the Wix Bookings app added to your site but have no active booking sessions. You can build a Zapier automation based on active booking sessions but it won't be triggered (so nothing will happen).
Here are some common questions about automations that connect to Zapier:
What happened to my old Zaps?
You'll see your old Zaps in your Zapier dashboard.
To modify your Zaps, click “Edit”. Use the new app interface and triggers to edit your app. If you previously selected “Automation Rule” as your trigger, you'll now see “Wix custom triggers”.
Which apps can I connect to via Zapier?
You can choose from thousands of apps - browse and search the full list here.
Can I create Zapier automations within Wix Automations rather than Zapier?
Some Zapier automations can be built partially within Wix Automations. This is a workaround if you do not see the trigger you need in Zapier.
To partially build your automation within Wix Automations, select your chosen trigger and Connect to Zapier as your action. After saving this automation in your Wix account, log in to your Zapier account to create a "Zap" and complete the setup. When choosing your trigger, search for and select "Wix custom trigger". Follow the steps to connect your Wix site and create your "Zap".
If you don't see Connect to Zapier as an action, you need to follow the steps above to fully configure the automation within Zapier (without using Wix Automations).
Why can't I find the trigger I want in Zapier?
If you can't find the trigger you want in Zapier, you need to partially build your automation within Wix Automations.
To partially build your automation within Wix Automations, select your chosen trigger and Connect to Zapier as your action. After saving this automation in your Wix account, log in to your Zapier account to create a "Zap" and complete the setup. When choosing your trigger, search for and select "Wix custom trigger". Follow the steps to connect your Wix site and create your "Zap".
This is a temporary workaround as we work to migrate all triggers to Zapier.