Creating Your Services
Wix Bookings: Guidelines for Uploading Service Images
In Wix Bookings, you can upload images for each service to better showcase exactly what you offer and what your clients can expect when they book a session with you.
For best results, we recommend you use the following image file types: JPG, PNG or GIF.
Depending on the location of the image on your site, there are different image size recommendations.
If you use an image that is larger than recommended, it may appear cropped on your page.
If you use an image that is smaller than recommended, the system zooms in to fill the available area. This prevents the appearance of white or black bars to fill up the empty space.
Service images
Layout Width in pixels Height in pixels
Side by side 800 800
Overlapping 800 800
Strip 200 200
Grid 600 600
The mobile version of Wix Bookings currently supports only the grid layout option.
Cover images
Layout Width in pixels Height in pixels
Cover image 1920 500
Service gallery images
Layout Width in pixels Height in pixels
Rectangular 720 500
Square 500 500