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Taking online orders

Wix Restaurants: Allowing Customers to Add a Tip to an Order


Make payments easier for customers with a good checkout experience by allowing them to add a tip to their credit card when paying. You can customize the default tip options and allow customers to leave a tip in their requested amount.

A screenshot of how customers can leave a tip.

Before you begin:

Verify that you have set up your payment methods in your payment settings. Tips don't work with manual/offline payments.

To allow customers to add a tip:

  1. Go to Order Settings in your site's dashboard.

  2. Click the Advanced tab at the bottom.

  3. Enable the Tips toggle to allow customers to leave a tip when placing an order.

A screenshot of setting up tips.

  1. (Optional) Customize the preset tip options:Click to select a default unit for the tip (Percentage or Currency).
    Enter 3 different values for the preset tip in the text fields.
    Note: You can click Set as default by one of the preset amounts to select it as the default for tips.

  2. Enable the Allow customers to leave a custom tip toggle to allow customers to leave a tip in their desired amount.

  3. Click Save.

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