Table reservations
Wix Restaurants: Exporting Your Table Reservations
Export data from the Wix Table Reservations app to gather all your past guest reservation information in one convenient location.
By exporting your table reservations to a .csv file, you can track guest bookings, analyze trends, and generate insightful reports tailored to your needs. Choose to export all your past reservations or select a specific date, and filter the list by reservation statuses, specific tables, and source.
To export your table reservations:
Go to Table Reservations in your site's dashboard.
(Optional) Select a specific date using the calendar.
Tip: Click Filter to narrow your list based on reservation statuses, tables, and source.Click the Export icon .
Choose what to export:All: All of your guest reservations from the app.
Filtered: Reservations from a specific date, including any filtered reservation statuses.
Click Export.
Save the file to your computer:Chrome: The .csv file downloads and appears on the bottom of your screen.
Firefox: Click Open with to open or Save File to save.
Internet Explorer: Click Save at the bottom of your screen.
Safari: The file opens. Click cmd + s on your keyboard to save the file (with a .csv extension, and Page Source format).