Creating Wix Restaurants menus
Wix Restaurants: Importing Your Menus to the New Wix Menus App
Want to advance to the new Menus app but your menu is set up on the old app? Now you can import most of the information from your current menu to the new app. Learn what requires your attention in the process, and what has changed between the two apps.
Read an example of how a Menus user made the most of the new app
Understanding the new terminology
In the new Menus app, you'll notice some of the terms have been updated. For example, dishes are now referred to as items. . The table below lists the differences.
Menus app New Menus app
Dishes Items
Dish options: Selection Price Variants
Modifier groups* Modifiers*
Dish options: Extras Modifier groups*
Modifier Groups and Modifiers are only supported in the Wix Restaurants Orders (New) app.
Understanding how the import works
When importing your menu to the new app, certain parts of the data are not copied over. Understanding what is included and excluded from the import empowers you to make informed decisions for your business.
Check out what's imported at a glance
Element Imported to the new app?
Menus Yes
Sections Yes
Items Yes
Variants Yes
Modifier Groups
& Modifiers* Partially
Labels Yes
Specials Yes
Archive No
Online Orders
properties Partially
Get extra information on the import process
All menus are imported with their name and description, and set as draft by default.
All sections are imported, including those marked as hidden.
Existing items are imported with their name, description, price, and image. Items that are featured in multiple menus will continue to be shared. Additionally, the visibility status of each item (e.g. shown or hidden) is also transferred over.
Price variants
Only the first Selection under Dish Options is copied as a variant (e.g. Toppings).
If your Dish Option has more than 20 choices, only the first 20 choices are copied to the Wix Menus (New) app.
The copied choices will appear under Price Variants in the Wix Menus (New) app.
The Wix Menus (New) app doesn't group the choices (e.g Toppings will not be under a group name called Toppings, but presented as a list).
Modifier Groups
The first 20 Modifier Groups are copied over, including the following settings:
Optional / Required.
Min / max limitations (this is the setting for limitation of modifier selections in the group).
Preselected modifiers.
In the original Menus app, modifiers were represented as Dish Options types, named Selection, Extras, and Deselection. The Deselection dish option is the only modifier not copied.
The original Menus app Dish Options:
With the Wix Menus (New) app, your menu's first 25 modifiers are automatically transferred under each relevant item. You must install the new Wix Online Orders (New) app to us this feature.
Tip: You can also add more modifiers to your menu items.
Labels are imported, with some automated changes to terminology, as follows:
VG - Vegetarian
Spicy 1 - Mild
Spicy 2 - Hot
Spicy 3 - Extra hot
Specials are imported and are now marked with a star ★
Archived information is not imported to the new app.
Online Orders properties
To transfer details such as stock availability and special requests, you'll need to install the new Wix Online Orders (New) app.
Tip: Taxes do not transfer automatically. Set up the required tax rates for accurate tax collection.
Click a question to learn more about importing your menus.
I have different menus for different locations, can I import them?
Yes, but first, create a menu for each location by adding the location's name as a suffix for easy identification. On your live site you can select which menus to show accordingly.
Can I stop the import?
No, you can not stop the import while it's working, but you can delete the menus from the new site once the import is done.
Why don't I see my menus on my site?
Make sure that the relevant menu is not set as "Draft" in the menu details.