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Using the Wix app for Wix Stores

Wix Stores: Adding Product Options Using the Wix App

Use the Wix app to add product options to your products. Any changes you make appear live on your site.

What are product options?

Product options are different selections customers can choose for a specific product, such as the product's size or color. Learn more

To add product options:

  1. Go to your site in the Wix app.

  2. Tap Manage  at the bottom.

  3. Tap Store Products, or tap Catalog and select Store Products.

  4. Tap to select the relevant product.

  5. Scroll down and tap + Add Options.

Screenshot of the Add Options link on the store product creation page in the Wix mobile app

  1. Choose what you want to do next:

Create a new product option

  1. Tap + Add Option at the top.

  2. Enter an Option name (e.g. size).

  3. Tap Next.

  4. Select a product option display type:Tap Colors for color options.
    Tap List for all other options.

  5. Enter the first Choice name (e.g. Small) and tap the Plus icon .

  6. Enter additional option choices (e.g. Large) and tap the Plus icon   after each entry.

  7. Tap Save.

Select a product option you created for another product

  1. Tap Select next to the product option you want to apply.
    Screenshot of the

  2. Do any of the following to add product option choices:Tap Add All at the bottom left to add all the existing product option choices.
    Tap a product option choice to add it.

    Create a new product option choice:Enter the option choice name (e.g. X-Large) in the Choice Name field.
    Tap Save.
    Screenshot of the screen where you can create a new product option choice for a Wix stores product in the Wix mobile app

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