Adding videos & channels
Wix Video: Supported Files
You can upload a broad variety of file formats to Wix Video. Once you begin the uploading process, your files are re-formatted ("encoded") for optimal playback across all platforms and screens.
Supported files for videos in Wix Video
Wix Video supports the following popular video formats:
Wix Video supports videos that are between 480x470 pixels to 1920x1080 pixels.
The size limit for video files is 15GB per file. Once uploaded, your video is automatically transcoded into MPEG4 (containing the H.264 codec).
Supported files for the channel cover image, video cover image and video poster
File Types: JPG, GIF, PNG
Size for Video Cover Image and Channel Cover Image: 1920 x 1080px
Size for Video Poster: 1944 x 2880px
Supported files for video trailer and video channel cover
File Types: You can upload trailer files in all of the formats that work for regular videos. See above.
Size: Up to 100MB